Integra_Tour - An Integrated Approach for the Development of Cultural and Natural Sites in Chepelare, Bulgaria and Prosocani, Greece

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Municipal sports infrastructure

Located in Prosotsani
During the last years the Municipality of Prosotsani has become an important destination for sports tourism. Towards this direction contributed the infrastructure that includes infrastructure for training as well as for practicing almost all widespread sports. The municipal infrastructure includes the the Prosotsani and Petrousa indoor gyms, the Prosotsani and Petrousa football stadiums, the ergometric center, a gym for weight lifting, climbing pistes and the indoor wrestling gym. The ergometric center, in particular, is the only municipal in Greece.
European UnionThe project was implemented with EU financial support
This Web Platform has been created within the framework of the Project “Integrated Tourism Approach For the Development of Cultural and Natural Sites in Chepelare, Bg and Prosotsani, Gr” (INTEGRA_TOUR), financed under the INTERREG V-A Cooperation Program "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020", Subsidy Contract No B2.6c.01/31.08.2017.The Project is co funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece - Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme.

The contents of this document are sole responsibility of the Municipality of Chepelare and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.