Integra_Tour - An Integrated Approach for the Development of Cultural and Natural Sites in Chepelare, Bulgaria and Prosocani, Greece

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Monument of the killed in the wars

Located in Chepelare
In 1928 an initiative committee was established in the town of Chepelare, whose task is to provide a fund for the construction of a monument dedicated to the heroes of the Serbian, Bulgarian, Balkan and the First World War. The first major proceeds in the fund began in 1935. In the following 1936, a special "Golden Book" was opened for the perpetuation of this case, recording all the cash receipts, wishes and emotional revelations of the donors. On the first page of the "Golden Book" there is an autograph of Tsar Boris III, dated May 6, 1936.
The monument was built by local builders, opened on 08.08.1937.
In 1995, in connection with celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Second World War, a plate was placed with the names of those killed in World War II next to the monument.
Rate: 5/5 оf the total 1voted
European UnionThe project was implemented with EU financial support
This Web Platform has been created within the framework of the Project “Integrated Tourism Approach For the Development of Cultural and Natural Sites in Chepelare, Bg and Prosotsani, Gr” (INTEGRA_TOUR), financed under the INTERREG V-A Cooperation Program "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020", Subsidy Contract No B2.6c.01/31.08.2017.The Project is co funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece - Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme.

The contents of this document are sole responsibility of the Municipality of Chepelare and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.